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More beautiful words, written by Tyler Knott:

“There’s only one truth:

that I belong in your arms

and you inside mine.”


“How loud must I scream

and what words must I use for

you to hear my love?”


“Every word you’ve said

and every piece of laughter,

I have memorized.”


“I knew the landscape

and the flavor of your lips

before our first kiss.”




Inspirational quote of the day:

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”- from a poem by Mary Oliver


Plus, I was roaming around Tyler Knott’s blog ( and I wanted to post some of his beautifully written haiku’s:


“The only perfect

I could ever hope to be,

is perfect for you.”


“You’re a passenger

aboard every train of thought

crisscrossing my mind.”


“When I look at you

and when my hands find your skin,

can you feel my love?”


more haiku’s from Tyler tomorrow…


Me?, I’m scared of everything, I’m scared of who I am, what I saw, what I did, but most of all I am scared of walking out of this room and never feeling for the rest of my life, the way I feel when I’m with you…

Write me those old fashioned love letters on faded pages in your illegible handwriting that I love.  Write me everything I want to hear that you’re too scared to say.  Send it to me in an envelope with a stamp, the way you used to.



I like the old way of doing things… the old fashioned way of life.

I enjoy old black and white films.  After all, most of the greatest lines in cinema came from those old back and whites.

I would rather get a mix tape than a mix cd and all the classic melodies are what I’m dying to hear.

There’s something special about old books.  Maybe its the way they’re bound or the way they look.  They feel different than books made today.

And most of all, I have fallen in love with typewriters.  The sound they make and their typeface and the way they look-I love it all.  I got one for Christmas and it was the best gift that holiday.

It’s a restored Underwood from the early 1930s.


“Tell me perky, are you happy?”


“No you’re not.”

“Well I’ve got a great job, lots of money, and travel the world.  Why wouldn’t I be happy?”

“Have you ever been in love?”

“Thousands of times.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about.  I’m talking about spectacular, conscious-altering love.  Do you know what that looks like?”

“I wasn’t aware that love looked like anything.”

“I’ve seen it mate.  On the plane back from Sydney.”

“Is that so?  Well we were on the same flight, maybe I saw it too.”

“Trust me you didn’t.”

“No?  Enlighten me.”

“There was this woman, two rows in front of me, in handcuffs, sitting with a cop.  He looked at me, knew I was holding.  If I didn’t take action, I’d be caught.  So I got up, went to the lav.  Proceeded to eliminate the evidence by swallowing my stash.  And at that exact moment, we hit turbulence.  I choked.  The entire bag of heroin is stuck in my throat.  Its…it’s over.  Everything starts to go dark.  I’m slipping into the abyss.  Then I see her.”


“A woman.  Blonde.  Rapturously beautiful.  And I know her.  We’re together.  Its like, we’ve always been and…always will be.  This…feeling, this…love.  And just as I’m about to be engulfed by it, (snaps) I open my eyes and this sodding idiot is standing there, asking me if I’m okay.  But I saw it.  Just for a moment I saw what it looked like.”

“Well that’s just…poetry brother.” (Desmond)

“…But I’ve seen something real.  I’ve seen the truth.” (Charlie)


Lost, “Happily Ever After,” Season 6, episode 11.


I am on a kick right now to write about relationships, love, and all that fluffy stuff.  But on a more serious note, I have had this thought rolling around in my head for a while now about trust.  It started when watching the movie Shutter Island (which I totally recommend if you have not seen it).

Why is it that we (humans/people) inherently trust?

For instance, in this movie, I started out believing that everything that was presented was real/the truth.  This was all to be changed by the end of the film, but it still bugged me that I just automatically thought what was being presented to me was the “truth,” at least in terms of this movie.  This has happened to me in other films as well.

This relates to people too.  As a female, my gender tends to have the notion that males lie to us.  A lot.  I agree, but then again, everyone lies.

So why is it that, even knowing this, we still believe people are telling us the truth, especially when we first meet him or her?  It’s hard for us to wrap our minds around the idea that people lie to us from the very first words you exchange.  It’s almost as if we feel that we have no right to be lied to by a complete stranger.  At least I feel this way.

Yet, the most interesting thing of all is that the people closest to us feel the most comfortable with lying to us.

How is this possible??  Why do we feel more offended at lying to a complete stranger or to a person we are meeting for the first time and not to the people we are the closest to?  I don’t buy the argument that the people closer to you will forgive you easier and are less likely to stop talking to you if they find out you are lying to them.  Maybe because we feel more comfortable around those we know well that we feel we can lie to them to get what we want.  We need to build trust with people we do not know, and starting out by lying is not a good start.

It’s harder to tell the truth than to lie.  Yet, it hurts more when we get lied to than when someone is brutally honest with us.

And then there is the whole other issue of wanting someone so much that you believe anything they say, whether or not you know they are lying to you.  The need to be with the other person, the desire to have them want you back is consuming.  Why is it that we can continue to have feelings for a person that almost constantly lies to us?

“the best part of believe is the lie”


I will not sit here and spew out my opinion on what I think love is.

I refuse.

Because frankly, its been done before.  Why would I want to write something that has already been written?  Especially when I just saw a blog post the other day that was about this same subject: what love is, the denotation, and what it meant to the poster.  That was what I was going to write, but not anymore.

It doesn’t matter what I think of love.

What matters is that I experience it.  That you experience it.  Whatever that means for you.

Because love is as simple as trusting someone or as complex as…  Actually, love is simple.  Loving is hard.  When human action is involved, then love becomes complicated.  The concept of love is pretty simple.  But loving someone or something is the difficult part.

“Where is this love? I can’t see it, I can’t touch it. I can’t feel it. I can hear it. I can hear some words, but I can’t do anything with your easy words.”-Closer


Human Connection.  That’s what we’re all looking for.

But we all want to make that ultimate connection to another human being.  Boy or girl, doesn’t matter.  What matters is that it is an innate part of the human condition that seeks another person to fit with, to be their other half.

How is it that out of the 6.5 billion people in this world, there is ONE PERSON that fits with you?  That was made for you?  It’s such a romantic idea that captivates us all.  But I don’t find it realistic.  Look at how many people are divorced in America-obviously couples that get divorced feel that they do not fit together as much as they should.  How can you tell that someone is really your “other half”?

Here is my checklist for things to look for in a relationship/person to test whether the other person is s contender to be your other half:

1.)   You’re in love*.

2.)   You need the other person.  Not just in an emergency.  But everyday, somehow, you need the other person in your life to make it better.

3.)   You respect each other.

4.)   The other person truly gets where you are coming from.  Personality-wise.  This doesn’t mean you have to be the exact same personality type.  But be able to understand the other person enough to know what motivates him or her and why they are the way they are.

5.)   Make sure you need THAT PERSON in your life.  Many people fall into the trap of needing anyone in their life, not a specific person.  They will jump into one relationship after another because they need to be in one.  But don’t rush into the rest of your life.

*= My definition and thoughts on love will follow in a later post.

We are on this earth for a purpose.  Love.  To be loved, to give love, to spread love, to practice love, to learn love.


p.s.- Here is a link to another person’s ideas about the traits one should have to be considered the one. Enjoy!

What I Love…

hand-written notes
a warm, comfy bed
hello kitty

You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how- "Gone With The Wind"

What I Dislike…

Being fake
A dirty kitchen
Miley Cyrus
Black Eyed Peas