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Without really planning it, I took last week off from posting.  And it’s not that I had no time to write anything last week.  In fact, it was quite the opposite- I had plenty of time to write and post, especially in the ample downtime at work, and I had the resources to include icons.  But I hit a block.  All the sudden, I felt as though I had nothing to say.  Not that I didn’t write last week.  Because that would have been impossible.

I need to write to breathe properly…to think and to process. There were thoughts and emotions rolling around in my head that were aching to burst out, boiling beneath the surface of my lungs, caught in my throat only by the tip of my tongue.  They spilled out in words on a page, so that I could continue on.

And while those thoughts are extremely powerful, I don’t feel comfortable sharing them at the current moment.  So I figured I would get back on track with the original goal of this blog: to express who I am through the icons I have collected over the last few years.  And with the new Toy Story movie just hitting theaters, I found it fitting to explain the reasons why I love The Little Mermaid (my favorite Disney movie):

1.)   Ariel sings.  When I was little, I wanted to grow up to be a singer and I loved that Ariel sang.  And she had the best voice of all the Disney princesses, in my opinion.

2.)   “Part of That World” is still my favorite Disney song ever…and I have it on my iPod.  Plus, my sister and I will randomly burst out in song, and this is one of the top songs we chose to sing for anyone in the vicinity.

3.)   Ariel is a mermaid.  I still love being in the water and going swimming, so I think it would be awesome to live underwater.

4.)   Flounder was the cutest little fish, and he was funny because he was such a worry-wart.

5.)   I love Ariel so much more now that I’m older because she is a redhead.  I think it would be awesome to be a redhead.

6.)   Ariel makes the cutest faces in the movie, especially when she loses her voice.  She reminds me soo much of my sister!!  (I swear the animators secretly spied on my sister and modeled Ariel after her)

7.)   You can’t beat the scene with “Kiss the Girl.” It touches on that idea of your first kiss with someone, especially when you have all this chemistry with them and the lyrics are so cute.

8.)   And of course, I love the classic Disney romance.  The handsome price Eric knowing Ariel was the one because of her voice and because she saved him hits that hopeless romantic part of me and I cant resist loving it.

Eric: “Believe me, Grim, when I find the right girl, I’ll know. Without a doubt, it’ll just-BAM-hit me. Like lightening.”

What’s your favorite Disney movie?  Why?  Has it changed since you were a kid?


What I Love…

hand-written notes
a warm, comfy bed
hello kitty

You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how- "Gone With The Wind"

What I Dislike…

Being fake
A dirty kitchen
Miley Cyrus
Black Eyed Peas